Thomas Tingsted Mathiesen Visual Studio Office Tools SE, VSTO, Install
By Thomas Tingsted Mathiesen (
Last changes made: 22 FEB 2007

  • Intro
    Did I have problems using the new Visual Studio Office Tools SE (VSTO), yes !
    The problem is not developing and using the VSTO library, but deploying it, and making it load.
    This walkthrough is showing you how to deploy an Outlook 2003 Add-in with VSTO.
    There is no way, that I know of, to do this in a simple One Click manner - you have to do these steps to make it work!.
    (Maby this will change when MS deploys a SP or an update to VSTO)

  • Essential downloads
    Visual Studio Office Tools (Microsoft Download)

  • Optional downloads
    Download VS2005 the project described below (757KB)

    Don't forget to rate/comment this page at the bottom

  • Create a new project
    Let's call our new add-in "MyAddin"

    Just add a Messagebox, to the ThisAddIn_Startup evenhandler, like so.

    Remove the Exclude check from all the referenced libraries.

    Rightclick on the MyAddin project, select Add refrence and select Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook

    Set the Copy Local to True

    Add a new Installer Class

    Click on Click here to switch to codeview

    It should look like this.

    Now copy the code below and insert it into your Installer Class.

    Click on the MyAddinSetup, and the button on top called Custom Actions Editor

    Rightclick on Install and select Add custom Action

    Open the Applications Folder and selct Primary output from MyAddin(Active)

    When you are done with this, it should look like this.

    RightClick on MyAddinSetup and select Rebuild.

    If you are installing the Addin on a different machine than the one your are developing on, remember to install Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition first.
    The installation file is vstor.exe and it resides in your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition folder.

    Once the Rebuild is complete, browse to your build folder.

    Execute Setup.exe

    Once the installation is complete, open your outlook, and this should happen.